Favorite Entrances (gifs)

anyone got the Mayhem kicking the Pinata that Hendo was holding?it was on HDNET fights against Tim Kennedy.

caposa -   

as usual thanks for coming through

any one got the Gono's last entrance in the UFC as the Supremes?

not great quality but good enough

Mayhem's entrance here is dope also

this thread also need some Tom Lawlor love





Man do I ever miss the ramp. If I could make one change to the UFC, it would be bring back the ramp.

nagashima, no doubt.


EKPOGI - this thread also need some Tom Lawlor love

also baroni, jacare


Too bad Genki never took fighting as seriously as he did his entrances.



Cole Escovedo

 great stuff igor

RKing85 - Man do I ever miss the ramp. If I could make one change to the UFC, it would be bring back the ramp.

The ramp would be great. It would also help the UFC market some of the lesser known guys. Very few big names these days, a good walk-in would go a long ways.

Dave Kaplan wins for best walk-in music:


Akiyama - Gives me goosebumps for some reason

The BJ one and the Mayhem ones always stick out