Fedor, Rogan and EXPOSURE

 Thefightnerd graciously approached me requesting an article and I wrote the below in response to the Fedor fight and the idea that he's somehow been exposed.  Give the man a click to support his site, if you wouldn't mind :)

Fedor: Wait, Who was Exposed?




Photo courtesy of Strikeforce, shot by Esther Lin.

Fedor: Wait, Who was Exposed?



...I admit that I underestimated Brett Rogers. He was undefeated before Saturday. In June, he cracked Arlovsky’s crystalline jaw like a spastic, overweight kid in a Tiffany lamp emporium. And his larger resume reads like a sweaty urban gladiator’s personal chalkboard in a surly Irish pub. Punches, punches, punches, punches. TKO, KO, KO, TKO. All but two of his fights ended in the first round. Six of them, inside of two minutes. But like listening to a vinyl recording of Paris Hilton singing pop music, it’s hard to evaluate that sort of record and make any informed conclusions about his skills below waist level. So I admit that I assumed he would roll around like Butterbean after Thanksgiving dinner if Fedor put him on the ground. Obviously, I was wrong. Aside from having a little maturing to do, Rogers is the real deal...

Wow. Stunningly well done, jups.

Thanks, brother. I'm not above providing cheap entertainment at Rogan's expense.

I like the literary style, too: Bill Simmons meets Doug Crosby.

I'm not sure what that means, but thanks

 Too many cliches bro but pretty good otherwise.

ABE FROMAN -  Too many cliches bro but pretty good otherwise.

Thanks. I immediately regretted using tired old cliches such as "flicking streams of plasma out of his eyeballs and using his fingers like a broken set of windshield wipers".


Monsters Ball - Little hard to follow your points sometimes Jupes. Your comedy sometimes overshadows the point you are making. Very well thought out article though.

In my opinion, Joe Rogan is the best MMA color commentator in the business. He's employed by the UFC, easily the biggest direct competitor to Strikeforce, Fedor's current meal ticket. Plenty of people are endeared to Joe. So if he says that Rogers exposed Fedor, there's probably a little band of Afflictioned drones firing up its squadron of noobcycles, ready to gallop like spray-tanned Paul Reveres through the streets of MMA fandom repeating it. Last Saturday night, just after a halo of punch-drunk birds were chirping around the periphery of Rogers' horizontal mohawk, Rogan sauntered by with his own flourish of harmonic tweeting: "As for the fedor fight, I thought it was very interesting, but I thought Rogers hesitated, and I felt like Fedor got exposed a bit." Fedor got exposed. Joe posted the comment on his Twitter account. Was his failure to capitalize Fedor's name intentional? It's an interesting question. Tweedily-deetily-deet.

Those opening paragraphs were jumbled. What you quoted was one of my quick revisions that didn't quite work. I agree with what you're saying. I was under a little bit of a time deadline with very little freetime :).

was a good article Jups thanks!


truthisalive - was a good article Jups thanks!

firmly shakes truthisalive's hand

Monsters Ball - I did enjoy it and hope to read more from you Jupes. You're an intelligent fellow.

I cracked that baby out mostly over a lunch break, so I'm looking forward to being a little more thoughtful about organization next time. Thanks for the nice words.

inf0 - any time you wanna drive one of these articles home with a romoshop or two, let me know...

nice one

Interesting. I'm writing this down.

Very nice sir, I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I owe you a beer, Archangel. And not a domestic. Maybe a Stella. I'll get back to you.

2JupitersTooMany - 
inf0 - any time you wanna drive one of these articles home with a romoshop or two, let me know...

nice one

Interesting. I'm writing this down.

Oh shit..... I would subscribe to your newsletter if this was the case.

Well done, man.

Brilliant. Thoroughly enjoyed it....

 Nice article, Jup. I agree that Fedor was not "exposed". However, I do believe that he made a critical error, which is particularly untypical of him, by attempting the kimura without having established a secure, dominant position. The first conspicuous mistake I've noticed him make.

That's an interesting point, Blue. I'll have to watch the fight again with that in mind. Thanks guys.