Fedor Says Russian MMA Fighters Are Treated Like “Hostages”

yeah i know your boyfriend

is triggered

You didn’t even get that right you moron, I’m not white. Now go learn proper English.

Going to University means nothing unless you’re an engineer or in the hard sciences, a doctor, etc. I graduated with a bachelor’s. I don’t go tooting my horn for it.

Now, go learn proper English.

I’m starting to think you’re kinda funny because you have to be doing this shit on purpose lol.

I bet even the techno you post is part of this whole faggot persona, huh? Clever.

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And these fighters have fuck all to do with Ukraine. Let them fight in mma instead of over there if you’re so concerned about it, idiots.

there is several points in this post where you have spelling and grammar errors. You don’t even know the dofference between too and to. cmon dawgg haha

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of course you know how to spell it you and your boyfriend probably say it during your sexting sessions all the time

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Hahaha wait a fucking minute, this guy is making fun of the woke culture of America and he’s from fuckin Canada? Isn’t canada like the gayest most woke country ever. Your Prime Minister has made your country literally the most “woke” country of all.

You sweet little maple syrup drinking frenchy fuck tard

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Sport should be outside of politics, so of course Fedor is right. But equally obviously the sheep will condemn him and follow the MSM narrative that Russians must be punished as a whole…

Even though this never applies to western states who invade countries. Or Muslim states that oppress or kill homosexuals and feminists. Or Communist states that commit genocide and ethnic cleansing. Or African states that are in a constant state of war. Or a dozen other examples.

It’s just blatant double standards that were supposed to pretend don’t exist.

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What does the suspension even mean? They can compete in the UFC, so what’s the punishment?

I’d say Britain or Sweden is more cucked

Fedor is a hero