Fedor solid favorite over Henderson

I'm def waiting till closer to the fight. With all you fools buying up Hendo I am gonna get great odds on Fedor.

Fedor wins this pretty easily believe it or not

FadeToBlack - Hendo will KO or TKO Fedor. His fire still burns and he can outwrestle Fedor.

he could but hendo always seems to get out wrestled by guys he should have the wrestling advantage against.

Hendo will win and then all the fedor nuthuggers can cry and make excuses why fedor lost this time
To a true MW...The H BOMB is getting dropped on mother Russia Saturday night

Getting subbed by Werdum and roughed up, but not finished in a competitive fight against the HUGE Antonio Silva does NOT mean Hendo should be favored over Fedor. This sounds about right based on what we know now...and Fedor looked SHARP and fast at the lower catch weight

Im of the opinion that Hendo's physique is pretty much what Fedor would look like ripped. Fedor is a fat MW now, he use to be a chubby LHW (but has lost a lot of muscle mass over the years)

I think Dan has a harder right hand, but Fedor is the better striker. Also, Fedors transitions from striking to takedowns are better than Hendo's and I fully expect some sambo takedowns in this fight. If they are the same size then I give the grappling advantage to Fedor.

I've not been as pumped for a fight like this for years, they are both my fav fighters . Phone Post

I don't want to see either of them lose. This fight really has me confused. Who doesn't want to see 2 legends go at it? But at the same time.. I love them both, so I don't want to see either lose.

This is one of those fights that is uber hard to bet on. Fedor is a big question mark as of recent, both guys near the same part of their careers. I'm going to save my money on this one.

I love vagina

ChicagoTom - 


Cash on Fedor for this one, i see him going old school sambo takedowns with g+p to submission in the 1st.

MMA is the best sport to play the odds. When the odds are big enough, it's unlike any other sport. Upsets happen regularly. I was going with Fedor because everyone on the UG thinks he sucks but now my money is on DaN.

RickMartelsArrogance - $2500 on Hendo @ +190

You know the deal homie

Hendo + Marloes = winning parlay

The only bet I would make on this fight is that fedor will be leaving with at least one broken hand. Man is this ever going to be an awesome fight. Phone Post

I want to bet on Hendo but i think its more a case of wanting him to knock that fat bastards head off than thinking he will.

RickMartelsArrogance - $2500 on Hendo @ +190

 Pic of your slip or STFU

KingstonHawkeJr - I still don't get why this fight is even happening. It makes no sense at all for a champion to fight outside of his division to me. As much as I loved the Silva v. Irvin fight, I thought he should of had to relinquish his belt and move up completely. SF belts already don't mean much to anybody, how could having yout 205 champ getting KO'd help build up his next title defense???

In strikefarce, M1 control you! Phone Post

 Fedor and Tate are my 2 plays on this card