Fedor vs Barnett still possible! F*ck the UFC!

Hope this doesn't happen...

It will happen...

southsideti is a fucking tool.

This fight is totally irrelevant now.

Barnett is tainted goods, 3 time steroid cheat.

Any fight Fedor takes from now on outside the UFC would add nothing to his legacy.

hebaj - This fight is totally irrelevant now.

Barnett is tainted goods, 3 time steroid cheat.

Any fight Fedor takes from now on outside the UFC would add nothing to his legacy.

how would barnett being on steroids diminish the relevance if fedor were to win that fight? it diminishes the legacy of the athlete who took the drugs only. if a pitcher strikes out barry bonds, it's even more impressive knowing he's juiced.

This is actually good news. If Fedor isn't gonna fight in the UFC I at least wanna see him fight Barnett.

 Fedor is going to Strikeforce.

Want proof?

Here is some behind the scenes video of the negotiations.

Steve4192 -  Fedor is going to Strikeforce.

Want proof?

Here is some behind the scenes video of the negotiations.


 This is good news.  At least they are trying to make it happen.  Man I love Japanese MMA.

grimer - 
"220" - 
ohferfuxsakes -  can't believe i'm typing this...

I don''t really care.

Yeah...me either. I'm stoked for the 2-1 champ (and former WWE superstar) to fight some other lame ass UFC HW!!! YAY for Dana White and the UFC!!!!!!!!! Yipeee again! XOXO!!!

BTW...KIMBO will be the next mma superstar, right UFC TUF newbs???? XOXOXO!!!!!!!!!!!



Not because of your opinion but the idiotic way you choose to present it. Seriously, are you on meth?
Meth is a hell of a drug.

LOL. "I don't trust the CSAC because they wouldnt let a pothead determine his own testing method". If Kaz was so innocent, he should have had someone test his hair and made the results public. Nothing like making demands that you know won't be met and then using that as evidence of innocence.

The entire mma world teeters on the brink of credible and non-credible, but Japanese mma orgs have more credibility issues than most.

Bigfoot vs Josheeee is a fitting fight for Sengoku. Not saying I wouldnt watch it, because I would, but the result wouldnt mean anything in the larger mma world, imo.

 I don't think Fedor/Barnett will ever happen in Japan.

 lol @ calling Josh the #2 HW in the world...

Did I just step out of a time machine and into 2006?

Voted down for being a mindless nuthugger

TTT for Japanese Freakshow matches!

They will never go away!!!!

Monsters Ball - 
Rappy Gilmore -  lol @ calling Josh the #2 HW in the world...

Did I just step out of a time machine and into 2006?

Josh hasn't lost in a while now whereas most other HWs have lost. That's part of why Josh floats around so high on the list right now. This fight with Fedor could have helped figure out where he really belongs. Too bad it couldn't happen yet.

It wouldn't have helped that much if he lost. #2 guy losing to #1 doesn't really lower your rank too much. Now if he won then he is clearly #1.

Barnett should have to fight with a needle sticking out of his ass

 Josh hasn't lost in a while now whereas most other HWs have lost.

Josh also hasn't fought anybody on the top 10 list in 3 years....

Many people had Randy as #3 or #2 depending on how you rank Nog.

Brock took out Randy, Mir took out Nog, Brock took out Mir....

I would put Brock at #2 -

 By the way, the article says only that they are "interested in Fedor" (as every org is), and nothing whatsoever about wanting to do Fedor vs Barnett.

Here's the thing, I've made a lot of posts that would make me seem like I'm "Anti-Fedor" but I'm certainly not.

I'll state right now that Fedor is the best fighter in the history of MMA. Do I think he can be beat? Yes, but that doesn't change anything.

That being said, Fedor going anywhere except the UFC sucks more then people realize. There aren't as many challenges out there for him. Even if some organization does throw this fight together, then what? Who does he fight next??

I'd love nothing mroe then to see Fedor fight Barnett right now, but I don't want his next two fights after that to be bullshit fights.

This isn't a knock on Fedors record or his opponents, but the Japanese love to have freakshow fights, which personally I have no interest in. I don't want Fedor stuck with a company that's going to have him fight like it's some sort of carnival sideshow. The greatest fighter on the planet deserves more respect then that.

 LOL @ the OP

VTFD again meth head psycho