Fedor vs Zulu (the definitive vid)

Even though the tint seems to be off, this vid is a great reminder of how brutal and efficient Fedor can be regardless of his opponent's size.

check yo self b4 u wreck yoself

a lot of effort poured into an unfunny idea

Really? Didn't seem like that much effort. I wonder what the S in DevinS stands for...hmmmmm...

so basically this is a rip off of the gif that was on here yesterday?


I thought it was pretty awesome

especially if it wasn't edited...sure it was but still, it's pretty close haha

 I LOL'd.  Man there are a bunch of haters on this site.  Its just a funny vid if you dont have anything good to say just dont post. 

Very funny! I found it to be entertaining, good job and thanks for posting!

it owuld have been funny if it wasnt a rip off of someone elses idea.

CaseyAffleckFan - LMAO ! !! !

That is funny. Reminds me of the vid I made where i put the gatti vs. ward commentary on the Severn vs. Ken II match.

Could you post this please?

Posty Magee - 
CaseyAffleckFan - LMAO ! !! !

That is funny. Reminds me of the vid I made where i put the gatti vs. ward commentary on the Severn vs. Ken II match.

Could you post this please?

 yeah, vid or it didn't happen.

lol. well done


ttt for the Casey Affleck vid

Baroquen Record - it owuld have been funny if it wasnt a rip off of someone elses idea.

See the thing about jokes and humor in a group setting is that it all starts with a simple joke or funny idea, and then others contribute more and more and you get things that are even funnier or at least as funny.

I think its called being social or something like that.  Just give the man his props or sit down.

Say what you want about zulu: He's still better than frank "the doorman" mir.

he beat himself - Say what you want about zulu: He's still better than frank "the doorman" mir.


lol Good one! Man,who was that singing at the beginning, Aleks?

boondock = god