+/- feedback to instructor: what would you say?

If you were going to give a few bullet-point pieces of feedback to your instructor, both positive and negative, what would you say?
(If you feel like you'd be outing your instructor, obviously you don't have to say anything). But for those of you anon posters, what are some things you might say?


I. I like how you push all of your students each and every training session. Training at your school makes me feel like I could walk into most other schools and do well against guys at my belt level.
II. I like that you encourage us to compete and actually show up to tournaments to coach.
III. I like that you bring in your friends from time to time who all happen to be very good and it gives us a chance for some valuable training opportunities.


I. It would be nice if you could learn my name (though in instructor's defense I could come to class more frequently).
II. Not everybody is going to pick up on a technique right away. It's not unusual for students, especially the lower belts, to fumble through a technique many times before they start to get it down.
III. If you're having a bad day, personal problems, or are just in a bad mood, try not to make it so obvious while you are teaching class.

Side note: before somebody says "Well why don't you bring this up to your instructor if you feel this way?" For the most part, these things don't bother me that much, I'm not a an ultra-serious practitioner, and I'm generally happy with things the way that they are. Just want to make a post and get a discussion going to see what others have to say.

Feedback is incredibly useful, so I wish I could get my students to do it more often. I've got a few people who are happy to tell me when they think something could be improved (very useful!), but most people are too worried about being mean, especially as Brits are famously polite.

I send out a survey to the membership every year with an open ended "what would make you train more" question at the end, that's been useful for getting feedback. Especially as it's anonymous. 

Yeah, I had a female student give me some unsolicited feedback, once.

I gave her a quick,  palm full of "feedback" right across her stupid face.


How does your instructor not remember your name? Are you newer?

I think it's just a mix of my inconsistent attendance and that I don't do anything to set myself apart (e.g. Win a lot of tournaments, tap people like crazy, or just generally perform well during class). I'm just sorta there I guess?

Rhymenoceros - Honest question:

How much do instructors "owe" the guys who are just "there?" I'm 100% one of those guys btw.

I mean, we pay just like everyone else, but instructors are human, and you can't expect them to give everyone attention equally. So what's fair?

I agree for the most part. However, I do think that some instructors could probably attract and retain more students if they made a little more effort to connect with some of the more run-of-the-mill students. Then again, I know that those students can be extremely flaky and it may be the case that after enough inconsistency, flaking out, not even trying to compete once, whatever, that the instructor sort of gives up on them. This I can understand, too: why dedicate yourself to the students who might not even be showing up in a couple months?

Judo or other martial arts instructors like to think they know everything...most of the time they don't. They are good fighters but have a hard time relaying information to other instructors. I see it happen all the time and know they don't like being told what to do. They are also horrible business people half the time.

feedback is good, the key is to develop a relationship w your instructor so that you can give feedback that is appreciated. By that I mean they should know that you have taken time to put in to thoughts and mean to HELP elevate them. At times people give feedback but are lazy as fuck in training and are whiny assholes, so their thoughts come across that way.

As a black belt me and the other black belts give feedback to our main instructor. Sometimes its our own and sometimes it is from the students as we can and will be closer to them and can get info that he may not necessarily can. So sometimes its about building that trust network and ensuring that its used in a corrective fashion vs a bitch fest.