Fergusson, Get worse before better?

So...............I predict it will get much worse before it gets better, in wake of the two officers shot.  I see National guard being called in eventually and a permanent distrust with law enforcement and authority for a long time.  On a side note, Fox News has Mark Fuhrman as an expert consultant for law enforcement.  Wow.

they need to leave the media out of this!

the chief of police stepped down earlier this week because of the justice departments findings. this is eric holders fault. he has unjustly confirmed that cops are targeting blacks in ferguson. He gave them justification for their anger and now is talking about dismantling the police department all together. how can cops do their job if the suspects are black and you can't pull over a black person who matches the description because it is racist. this is TSA random screening bull shit. let's not use common sense in detective work, lets randomly interrogate people whether they match the description of the suspect or not. fucking stupid.

Holder, Sharpton, Obama, media, etc........those fucks are to blame for stoking the flames.

The people in the community acti g like shitbags......what are they doing other than contributing to the culture of stupidity and shitbaggery? There's no fixing most of those shitstains.

The good citizens end up paying the price of failed leadership, policies and politics. Not just in Ferguson, the whole country is fragmented for the sake of political power.

Ignorance and dependency makes it so easy to manipulate the masses....society needs Snake Pliskin to flip the switch to revert back tribalism and rebuikd communities from the family unit up. LOL???

Snake Pliskin.

me likey.

Government and community leaders and the media come out in force to defend and speak for known criminals killed in the act of their crime and attempting to harm people and LE.

LEO killed in the act of protecting the public...... Nothing.

It's already bad Phone Post 3.0

Also the way the media writes it's headlines,

No fact or circumstances of what really happened or led to the final act, just a leading headline meant to attract attention and gather likes and shares.

Disgusting Phone Post 3.0

Change the headlines "hero cop kills violent criminal yesterday in self defense. "
I wonder if more headlines read that way would change public opinion of their men and woman in law enforcement positions.

Most people don't read much further than the headlines.

Headline and 1st para....they use pyramid writing style. LOL..Im a journalist :(

After all the drama and celebrity involvement re: "Hands Up, Don't Shoot!" and "I Can't Breathe", I wish those who were so big on the first catchphrase would simply own up and concede that, based on the DOJ's findings, it seems they jumped to the wrong conclusion. Keep using "I Can't Breathe", but be honest about the first one, now that we have more of the facts. Sadly there's just too much ego at play, on both sides of the political spectrum.

Media bears a nice slice of the blame for most of this nation's problems from legislative partisanship to military adventurism abroad, and most definitely for domestic racial strife. They literally exist to stir up trouble, fear, and resentment.

The Mat Pimp - Media bears a nice slice of the blame for most of this nation's problems from legislative partisanship to military adventurism abroad, and most definitely for domestic racial strife. They literally exist to stir up trouble, fear, and resentment.


and contrary to what is taught in any certified j-school program. Ethics, duty and responsibility......LMAO!

Everything is getting worse. Everything, everywhere.

Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!

For all my life I watched society gradually but constantly improve (on the whole) but now it's coming apart. In some ways it's already a lot worse than it was in the 60's and 70's. Race relations are definitely at their worst in my lifetime.

Now there is a "city manager" in a neighboring district that is saying the police shooting is a setup by the police to swing sentiments. What a fucking joke. The fucking monsters of ferguson were cheering after they heard two cops got shot. they need to get old school on that city...kill everything, burn it and then salt the land so nothing grows there any more.

Not sure if i am close to a "falling down" moment or an "apocalypse now" moment but screws are loose. I am moments ftom cashing in my 401 k and hasta la vistaing!

Ha. Well, I'm glad you guys have MMA training to let off your steam. Otherwise a bunch of beat-up bodies would probably be lining the streets. Mine included, for unknowingly giving stink-eye to one of you.

found this vid on the OG, thought it was semi-appropriate for this thread (though not about fergusson, per se)

blue help please (it's worth it)


lol police needs lesson in correctus sleeper guillotine