Fighter calls out female fighter

This is from female fighter Dallas Cordts' myspace bolg. Dallas is 18-0 and has been called out to fight by 0-4 Scott Blevins.

I have been challenged by a man, personally I think it is a joke. This guy has also called out my Team Captain and one of my Elite Fighters. I want to beat this guys ass, his name is Scott Blevins. Any promoter willing to book this fight hit me up. I back down from no one, any man that thinks he can beat up a woman and call himself a man is a joke. Contact me asap.

is she hot

"I back down from no one, any man that thinks he can beat up a woman and call himself a man is a joke."

Setting herself up for the win, or the loss I see.

ttt 4 Andy Kaufman

If this chick wants to put her undefeated record on the line with a dude who has not yet won a fight then I say do it...

Its bad for the dude both ways...Says he goes back on a losing streak...he be a dude who can only beat a girl....and then if he loses then he be the dude who loses to a chick...

If the chick wins hey shes more of a bad ass earning a big win to her career...and if she loses then she has a looses her 18 win streak...

Win-Win for the chick..Lose-lose for the dude...

I say whup that guys ass and have him laughed out of MMA

nope not hot

That dude is a turd, i just seen him choked out recently
check his myspace

^^^ id put money on it

What kind of lame fucktard challenges a female to an MMA match?

Personally, I have nothing against females in MMA but generally speaking they are no match for the strength of a man.

It's pathetic, what a fucking joke.

Seriously, kudos to her for accepting but she's probably going to get hurt if this happens.

he is one skinny bitch.

she will smash him. & squash him.

He says on his myspace that he trains at the gym i do. HE DOES NOT train at Total Jiu Jitsu. He may have been to a class or two but he doesnt train there. He should get a beat down for claiming that shit and being a total tool

Edit: i guess he has been to a COUPLE of classes

Here's his new myspace address:

or was it'smynextloss?blevins


great troll job. this guy is a keyboard warrior who fights.

Damn, he looks like Gollum from lord of the rings. The grumpy old troll that lives under the bridge.

After seeing this pic and vid I think she'll probably shit stomp him.



She's gonna hurt him.


"i was more afraid of being a nobody than a somebody"

& why is he rolling with a kid? & why is the kid wearing glasses & a hoodie?

people are seriously crazy these days.

The thing is he could have a green name on this very forum and we all could be banned for bashing him.