Because I'm to lazy to do it myself I'm just curious I'm hoping Taku (the man [no homo]) or some more knowledgable people may answer this 2 part question.
What kind of alcoholic beverages can a fighter drink and not worry about it affecting his game;
1) weeks before a fight assuming answer is none
2) months before fight, I'm again assuming anything in moderation but to stay sharp shouldn't overdo it every other day
Just curious, and hope this sparks some decent answers
not an expert, so take my answer with a grain of salt. imo it comes down to 3 things
1. being able to work the next day
2. not dehydrating yourself/ undoing what you've done that day
3. calories
Its gonna depend on you for what gives you the least hangover, but you also obviously cant be getting wasted and still expect to perform even with zero "hangover." You cant really expect to be "optimal" and drink any beer, since its so high in calories and gluten most of the time. Imo a clear liquor like gin or vodka is your best bet.
I only drink if the following day is a day off from the gym. If I have even one beer then go into the gym and have a piss poor day, I get pretty hard on myself and feel like a giant idiot. If a special occasion falls on the night before a scheduled training day, I will typically reschedule my training for that week to allow for a rest day that day if at all possible. Although I've done considerably well keeping to that, I recall an article not too long ago on CharlesPoliquinn.com where studies show that mass consumption of alcohol can effect athletic performance for up to 3 days or something to that effect. Ill see if I can dig up the article.
this one talks about it affecting you for up to 60 hours.
here is one about helping speed up detox.
hope that helps.
Heres one more. A lot of the same really but they are all really short.
Scott Harrison became the world featherweight boxing champion whilst still an alcoholic. I'm not saying alcohol doesn't effect your abilities, but i think you can over hype just how much of an impact a moderate alcohol intake can have on your performance.
Cheers all,
I just noticed this wasn't somthing discussed often at all and wanted to put it to the forum for w/e opinions, fact personal experience etc...
Some of the drinks I will have when trying to stay as healthy as possible:
Beer: Molson 67 (67 Calories, 2g Carbs)
Beer: Cracked Canoe by Moosehead (90 Calories, 6g carbs)
Vodka, Sodawater, Lime (70 Calories, 0g Carbs)
The water helps keep you from getting dehrydated, and I know lots of people in the military who have early morning runs drink this.
But best of all, if you are at a party and are wanting to feel social, just grab some club soda and a red dixie cup. You mind will barley notice that you aren't drinking in a social situation where you normally would be.
I've used the vodka method before with flavoured water, I loved how smashed I was but woke up with absolutely no hangover
HULC - Scott Harrison became the world featherweight boxing champion whilst still an alcoholic. I'm not saying alcohol doesn't effect your abilities, but i think you can over hype just how much of an impact a moderate alcohol intake can have on your performance.
Yeah but if he wasn't an alcoholic would he be better? Who's to say its not hindering him but he just has a great skill set
andyman011 -HULC - Scott Harrison became the world featherweight boxing champion whilst still an alcoholic. I'm not saying alcohol doesn't effect your abilities, but i think you can over hype just how much of an impact a moderate alcohol intake can have on your performance.Yeah but if he wasn't an alcoholic would he be better? Who's to say its not hindering him but he just has a great skill set
He isn't champion any more, in fact i think he's still in prison. The point isn't that it can't effect you, the point is that the effect it has can be overestimated, especially for moderate consumption. There are a number of studies that clearly show people with moderate alcohol intakes are healthier than people who don't touch alcohol at all.
I've been drinking more than usual on the weekends lately, and have found my lifting numbers have seen no ill effects. I'm not quite as lean, though.