fighters clinching along the fence or ropes for no apparent reason really pisses me off. If a fighter manages to cut the ring off on his opponent, why do they go into this useless clinch instead of keeping the distance and unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks at their opponent. Why Tim Sylvia would clinch with Assuerio Silva against the fence when he obviously had no intentions of taking the fight to the ground is beyond me. Does this make anyone else besides me mad. Anything else you guys want to offer up?
it just happens in boxing too
becasue the clinch gives you a sense of control, and you can do damage from the clinch with knees. you wont end a fight (usually) but workin knees to the thighs does the same thing as leg kicks. also you can get some highlight reel KO's from there.... first one that comes to mind is cummo vs sammy. that was a huge knee. But i agree it sucks when they clinch to catch there breath instead of attacking
contro, rest, safety, damage...lots of reasons.
Dude its not a video game where u just unleash a fury of button mashing.
Sometimes - just sometimes mind you... the guy your fighting has some say in what happens...
I love that it "pisses you off." That is just too funny
Some guys can actually fight well in the clinch. Its just as bad as watching two guys on the ground holding on to eachother. But when they are skilled grapplers it makes it a lot more exciting.