The UFC use the money to grow their brand and the entire sport that is why everyone is getting paid more, across other promotions as well. The bottom line is better.
Egg is right when he says that these idiot reporters have no clue about running a promotion or any business because they don’t. They’re journalists and only a few of them are independent.
Please only respond to this thread if you run a business. Otherwise you have 0 authority on the subject
Lolol smells like bullshit in here.
The entire notion that a job pays to little is absurd in a free society. I want to be a full time poster on this forum and the bastards won’t offer me any pay! How dare they!
I personally give ZERO shits what these guys make. Counting another man’s money is incredibly gay.
And this is why MMA fans are notorious for being the worst fan base.
So being a fan means I need to get into someone’s (probably richer than I) financial affairs? I dont get this line of thinking.
Please fuck right off with this bullshit. I’ve run businesses and you get the absolute shittiest workers possible if you pay the least you possibly can, why? Because that’s how it works. The UFC exploits their product and pays them as little as possible to profit as much as possible for themselves, they don’t and have NEVER given a damn about the fighters themselves.
Thank you, completely agree. I’m a business owner and your employees are just as important as the customers.
Take care of your employees and they will take care of you and your business. Idk what is hard to understand about this.
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I dont think anyone is arguing that, maybe OP I dunno. I just dont care what they are paid, its none of my business.
“You get shitty workers if you pay lower wages” doesn’t apply to the UFC. Fighters need the UFC more than the UFC needs fighters. These are artists, not carpenters.
They aren’t employees. They’re artists looking for a place to showcase their talents to the world.
Do you give your employees arbitrary pay increases if they complain about their wages?
Of course not but no one complains because they are paid fairly.
And if they felt that way or needed more money for some kind of emergency we could talk about that and consider it.
And what we are talking about with the UFC isn’t arbitrary.
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What is needed is more competition and less restrictive contracts. If Bellator and the other promotions can become bigger and are not hindered by some unfair means, then pay will become better.
Even then, fighters on the lower tiers won’t achieve parity. Some programmers make $120k, some make $250k.
Yeah this is another issue. Competition breeds innovation and a competitive market.
Right now the UFC pretty much owns its fighters, even their image.
Do you run the ufc or fight
If you dont, shut the fuck up
See how that works you pole smoking fuck nut
Agree. Free agency and competition would solve a lot of issues.
If fans feel so strongly about it they should band behind the other orgs and fighters but they don’t
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You didnt make any good points here bro
Um drunk and my intentions are not good
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