Get Jay White on your card!!!
Does LA mean Los Angeles? I will be there from the 19th to the 24th and would be intrested in getting involved or just watching.
lol, read the post dude. LA=louisiana
Sorry stupid Australian
ah, australian. that's cool man. can't hold it against you if you aren't from the states. you'd be surprised how many americans get the two confused.
get jay someone to fight well come together im 200 7and3 we both live upstate ny maybe we can fight 3 or four time so we can make the trip economically benificial as well as having some fun.518 312 6550 jerry
Hey Jay--did you just try out for the Pride trials? I met a renzo guy
there that was about your size.
ttt, what's the card looking like so far?
Let's all go post on the "reccomend a boxing gym in LA" thread!
lol, good idea
ttt.. for Jay White and Jerrry Speigel