Fighters that you have NEVER predicted to lose?

Out of the fighters with longer careers that are still active DC and Khabib are the only two I can remember off the top of my head.

There are a few fighters I have been following a shorter amount of time that I have not picked to lose yet.

Gsp, even when he fought penn who I wanted to win really bad I never once thought gsp would lose.

Vincente Luque.  He’s won me a lot of money. 

On a SideNote - 
wiggum - 
On a SideNote - 

Jon Jones


Mighty Mouse

Interesting. When did you start watching MM fight? Did you bet on him over Cruz? I was split on him in the FW tournament; didn’t make picks for those fights.

I actually started to really follow him during 2nd McCall fight.  I loved their first fight but after the 2nd fight I thought he was special.

I, also, thought Cruz was special during his run.

Word. I don’t think I picked against him since that fight, either.

PoopingTom - 

Anderson Silva

Even the Israel and DC fights?

LittleKang -

Cain. Man his start was crazy scary

I was sure he was going to lose against Werdum, mainly to his injuries and inactivity