
Hassan Muradi

 Coming soon to UFC - K1- Iranian Champion

Coming soon to UFC

 Asghar rashtbarei  (iran) Vs  Rich franklin (USA)


Reza nasri  at UFC 11


How is his chicking my friend?

Muradi Vs. Davood?

Place it in the PPV!


Jump Kick :Dear Jump Kick about davood he Now studyin accaounting in Univesity and his WEIGHT is very low

"about davood he Now studyin accaounting in Univesity and his WEIGHT is very low"

He is following in your footsteps. You are like brothers? Does he still hit you in the STRANGLE!


^^^ No !!! he is not my brother

^^^ what !!!

"Someone had to ask."

No they didn't.

Deghani, you are wise and noble. God bless UFC Iran.

^^^JOB :Dear JOB:Thanks

How is your country's nuclear program coming? Still wanting to create bombs under the guise of "energy"?

workman43113:Dear workman43113__No _but please speak only about MMA

Jihad, IMO

 and Now

Amir sadollah on UF7