Finally watched the fight!

Finally watched the fight back myself. first rnd draw and I won rnd 2 and 3. I will prove myself if I must. But I know I won that fight. Much respect to BJ. He is the legend I thought he was. I think that was the best BJ ANY of us have ever seen.

i agree with that assessment

by the way, I'm a huge fan of yours. you deserve much better treatment than Dana is giving you.

Keep grinding mate, you'll get there bro!

Fitch you got owned. I went back and watched the fight and had it 30-27 BJ. Real talk


 First rd BJ

2nd rd draw

3rd rd Fitch, but I can't give a 10-8 in a round where the other guy is never even remotely in danger.

I've got no problem with a draw.

jjj2121 -  First rd BJ
2nd rd draw
3rd rd Fitch, but I can't give a 10-8 in a round where the other guy is never even remotely in danger.

I've got no problem with a draw.

Gotta agree with this.

i got ya loosing 1 and winning 2 and 3 !

2 could have gone to him since we all know some judges watch fights with their assholes !!!

looking forward to seeing you again man !!

i would love to see you fight Shields!! would be a awesome fight!

Fitch, hang in there. I haven't seen BJ get that badly mauled by anyone...not ever the guy who took his belt from him. Next time maul him for all 3 rounds and the fight will be stopped before 15 minutes.

I thought it was a pretty clear win for you.

BJ had your back in the second for a bit, but how close he was to actually pulling off anything was pretty far from his first round.

I thought the damage you did at the end of round 2/the beatdown of round 3 were more than enough.

Round 1 - BJ

Round 2 - Toss up

Round 3 - Fitch

Could've gone either way, so I guess from the judges perspective a draw is a fair result.

Either way, deffinitely the best BJ i've ever seen. Including Deep Throat this.

I actually agree that you won the 2nd and 3rd. But i think the 1st was BJ's

The third was not a 10-8 either.

But this is the kind of thing that happens with decisions. We have seen it a million times... the judges make BAD calls.

John Leslie Walsh - Dick.

Dude you lost 1 & 2 and won 3.

Split Decision Victory for B.J.

 Split Decisions How Do They Work?

sacredhate - Fitch, hang in there. I haven't seen BJ get that badly mauled by anyone...not ever the guy who took his belt from him. Next time maul him for all 3 rounds and the fight will be stopped before 15 minutes.

GSP put a better beating on him.

And Frankie completely outclassed him in the 2nd fight..
obviously since it wasn't even close to being a draw.

sacredhate - Fitch, hang in there. I haven't seen BJ get that badly mauled by anyone...not ever the guy who took his belt from him. Next time maul him for all 3 rounds and the fight will be stopped before 15 minutes.


I saw you winning the 2nd and 3rd. I am a huge Penn fan but I understand the decision. I felt that if it was a 15 minute 1 round fight Fitch would have clearly taken it.

rd 1 for bj, rd 2 for bj, but the beating you put on him in rd 3 was greater than the combination of anything he did in the first 2 rounds.

10-9 bj
10-9 bj
10-8 fitch

Fitch doesn't get the credit he deserves.

be honest with yourself man.

you were lucky to get a draw in fairness. he won rounds 1and2. rnd 3 wasnt 10-8.