I forget what fighter it was, I believe it was an inexperienced 205er. They said , "if I go to strikeforce, I have to fight Mo, Mousasi, Hendo, etc"
If I go to the UFC, I get to fight lower level guys.
In WSOF, Fitch had to fight Burkman, Palhares, which are tough guys.
If he stayed in the UFC, he would have gotten much easier fights.
Was Fitch better of with the UFC in regards to fighting easier competition? It sounds absurd, but upon examination it seems logical.
I see what you're saying, but in the UFC the talent pool/division is deeper. More tough fights in a row, if that makes sense.
5-6 guys that could be tough matchups, as opposed to 1-3
I have no idea how you think Burkman and Palhares are tougher opponents than Fitch would have had in the UFC. Who do you think they'd have been matching him against?
These guys
13 Jordan Mein
14 Gunnar Nelson
15 Ryan LaFlare