Didn't see any threads on this yet, I'm sure there were a few. Sometimes when you see a fighter go out like that, in your mind you almost picture jumping in front to stop the next unanswered punch. The ref jumped in right at that moment you would imagine yourself doing it.
Who am I kidding? You guys imagine the guy landed fifteen more shots, bouncing the unconcious head off the mat over and over.
Anyway, excellent stoppage and I can't even remember who reffed it. Maybe Yves.
good stoppage.
mini karo got pwnd.
"The guy seems like a great person."
Did you see the TUF series he was in?
pulsar - "The guy seems like a great person."
Did you see the TUF series he was in?
Yeah, the kick is what I remember, and lol, you reminded me of the whole 'getting psyhco over someone writing on the wall thing' - hoenstly, that shit is such ego driven bs.
ttt for Yves "Steve" Lavigne
wow did roger cheat on you or something...anyway i thought emerson taught manny a valuble lesson on how be a little more cautious...he will be better off in the long run for this loss...btw he seemed to show rob plenty of respect after the fight although i guess after getting your head dribbled of the canvas by a guy that way there's probably nothing left but to respect him
I personally witnessed Manny duck a guy in the Hayastan Grappling tourney in KY. He was supposed to have a "Superfight" with the winner of the absolute division, and when the winner completely wrecked everyone,including Manny's training buddy, he said he was hurt, and couldn't roll.....all after a full day of reffing, and jumping and diving around on the mat.
Good stoppage, really fucked up fight though. Neither guys really looked like they knew what the fuck they were doing and one just got lucky haha.
Yves pretty much always does a good job.
there are far and few of these now.
Lilbrock, I was simply talking about the wild swinging etc... we both know they have skills or they wouldn't be in there. It was a light hearted comment, nothing more.
as much as i think that manny would beat rob emerson if they ever fought again...... manny deserved to get ko'd like that for the kick during glove touching. if you don't want to touch gloves, then don't. but cheapshotting is bullshit.
sven20 - Yves pretty much always does a good job.
That's why everyone calls him Yves "steve" Lavigne
pierrot lunaire - Why do people say bad things about Manny? The guy seems like a great person.
Did you see him do the fake glove touch and throw a kick?
Yves lavigne was excellent all night, he didn't make any premature stoppages in the Fitch fight either, kept it going.
Mad Xyientist -pierrot lunaire - Why do people say bad things about Manny? The guy seems like a great person.
Did you see him do the fake glove touch and throw a kick?
that was so douche. i didnt like him before that, but that was just enough to put him over the line.... that said i dont like emerson either, hes just as scummy.
By the way, horrible thread, you're only supposed to talk about stoppages to complain that they're early or late.
Obviously kidding, I think MMA refs are good and they get it right most of the time. It could be way worse people, think of what a mess MMA would be if they were as bad as the judges.
pierrot lunaire - Why do people say bad things about Manny? The guy seems like a great person.

P.S- Pierrot nice thread about Huerta should retire retard
Alot of stuff going around about Emerson and his friends jumping someone or something....i'd love to hear the whole story. Both these guys are douchebags.
Was a great stoppage tho.