i know its probably been asked before but... what are some stretching routines for unreal flexibility.
Actually you can develop good flexibility simply by moving through a full range of motion. Consistently practicing some bjj movements and techniques will develop flexibility.
andrewn, good stuff
Eddie Bravo's Mastering Rubber Guard book has a good chapter on stretching. Aesopian reviewed the stretching chaper on his excellent websits, www.aesopian.com just use the search function for "Bravo" or "stretching."
yoga helps
197 bucks for stretching info? Save your money dude.
For grappling specific stretching, you want to focus on your hip and back flexibility, but it depends on the person. There is plenty of free information on the internet, you just need to stretch consistently and warmup beforehand.
A very good video from Human Kinetics
i recently started watching namaste yoga on the fit channel. pretty cool, although i feel like a middle aged house wife when im watching/doing it.
Second what Daredevil said. The book by Thomas Kurtz is all you will ever need. Save yourself a lot of $ and get that instead of any DVDs IMO. Back in my crap karate days(KIAI!!!) I went from not being able to touch my toes unflexible, to full front and box splits in under a year, following that book.
I don't think it's a difficult thing that requires a book. Get plenty warmed up, stretch and hold. Record your progress..try to go a little more each week.
Has anyone seen Lloyd Irvin's Pilates DVD? The advertising is ridiculously OTT as usual. The only review I've seen was on Sherdog where the guy who bought it said it was nothing special and he was disappointed.
$197 is rather a lot (esp when the advertising says its been "reduced" from something like $390)
BE careful if you do isometric stretches - I know from personal experience that you CAN tear muscles pretty badly if you are too gung ho - they take a long time to re-heal and get the flexibility back. Be careful.
I will also recommend Thomas Kurz' Stretching book or video.
Also, Pavel Tsatsouline's materials are good. Check out "Relax Into Stretch" for a good start.
watch the intense training montages of the jean claude van-damme classics like "Blood Sport" and "Kickboxer"
Another vote for Kurz and Pavel. Especially Pavel's seminar dvd set.
"What are isometric stretches? "
Another name for PNF, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. In brief, you get in a stretched position, contract the muscles ismetrically while there, then relax and you should be able to stretch a bit further.
Kurz, Pavel references above or the trickstutorials link will explain in more detail.