Florian isn't 155 lb. He weighed in at 182 lbs looking very lean. He could cut to 170 or even 155, but he would lose a lot of muscle.
It's not like he's 155 of muscle and he came in at 182 chubby. Florian looked like he's in great shape.
Saying Leben is a natural 185 while Florian is a natural 170 is okay, but 155? You gotta be kiddin'
No one said he is 155 right now....but he himself said he's a natural 155lb fighter...meaning he would prefer to fight at that weight vice 180+
I don't think he's ever fought at 155 before...but he's only fought in Massachusetts events, where the weigh-ins are the same day as the fight. If he fights for UFC, I'm sure he could cut the necessary weight to make 155, since he gets a whole day to rehydrate.
Kenny normally weighs in the high 160's, low 170's he tried the whole show to put weight on since most of the fighters were cutting down to 185.
I dont think Florian is going to compete well with UFC's 185 pound class. I really dont think he would be able to handle it at all
Look at his waist,he wasnt lean.He even said he fights at 168 didnt he??
March 22, 2005, 3:17am
i am sure his diet may have been different in the days/weeks before a
fight, if he was to cut.
I think he really should be fighting at 155.
I can't see him going toe to toe with Lindland or Baroni or Tanner. He'd get chewed up in a hurry.
Sure he could. He'd just suck down to 155, rehydrate, and fight around 165.
March 22, 2005, 9:22am
He needs to grow some muskull.