best bjj school located in naples, florida. 1st degree black belt trent lewis is one of the best instructors in florida... for more infor visit us on facebook @
or on our website
Enough spam already. No disrespect to Trent, but take it easy...
If you are having an event, post it. If you wanna advertise, do it with some imagination or buy some ad space.
im only posting this to trents request.. so no affence to u but please dont give me ur crap
Peter, I have to agree with Fletch. You really don't see anybody else advertising there schools with the exception of a seminar or special event. Could you imagine if everyone started doing that. This forum would be come a bunch of BS. Nothing against you or Trent.
People who use unqualified phrases like "the best school" aren't usually worth listening to.
Best for WHOM...?
Best for sport competitors? Average Joes? Women? People who want self-Defense? People on a budget?
No school can be everything to everyone. There is usually no across the board best school in an area. Best for certain things, possibly. But what people want in a school is very subjective. There are BJJ schools in my area people rave about, which I would NEVER want to train at. To each his own.
I appreciate students being "excited" about their school, but it is quite disrespectful to other instructors in the area to use the term "best".
I take affence!
TrappeBier - I take affence!
He is 15 cut him some slack :)
TrappeBier - I take affence!
Took the words right out of my mouth!
i jumped affence once
The best affence is a good defence.
Best bjj school located in _________. _ degree ______ belt _________ is one of the best instructors in _________.
thank you everyone for putting in your two sense. Thank You NCAA92 for posting my Tournament picture?? and no affense to anyone but you want to criticize me by saying best bjj school... but i doubt any of you could go threw a Joe moriera nor a Roy Harris belt test... js but if u want to come to our school to see whats up your ALWAYS WELCOME!!!!!
^ now that is common cents right there.
No affense taken here...I trained with Trent back in the day in RI good guy....but Peter you should listen to some people here in this post....
I fear for the American educational system.
If do right no can affence
vegard - I fear for the American educational system.
screw them. big deal, you love your school.
lots of people just angry and shit.
fyi - two sense should be two "cents" and affence is "offense", that's why people are taking jabs at you.
keep repping your school and grow tough skin. people here are ruthless.
I don't think there is anything wrong with giving your instructor some free advertising. It's hardly spam. A review would be good to add. Lot's of people want to know about this school, or that and, while paying a visit is the best way to see, it helps to know what you are getting into.