Is what I thought when Cro Cop went to the UFC. Hopefully he comes back like how he did after Randleman and becomes a better fighter.
I tell you he just acts as if he does not want to be in the UFC. His entire manner speaks loudly to me.
" CroCop looked like Hugo Duarte did after being folded by Tank."
That was Steve Nelmark.
"I tell you he just acts as if he does not want to be in the UFC. His entire manner speaks loudly to me."
Doesn't he have like a three year contract? Before he even fought here I wish he'd stayed in PRIDE.
This is what happens when an 'elite' striker thinks he's fighting a straight 'grappler'. I think Crocop underestimated Napao and paid dearly for it (I hope his leg is ok) I have only seen him drop his hands like that once before and thats when Randleman put him down. Napao/Couture should be great and congrats to Gabriel again on the victory.
IMO the fact that we label people as "striker", "grappler" or "wrestler" can be misleading when everyone crosstrains.
Sure, everyone has strong points, but its not like they dont have the ability to be dangerous in a different respect.
I tell you he just acts as if he does not want to be in the UFC. His entire manner speaks loudly to me.
Yeah, he's walking up there thinking: 'Fuck, why can't I be fighting people one or two weight classes below me like they let me do in pride?'
"Yeah, he's walking up there thinking: 'Fuck, why can't I be fighting people one or two weight classes below me like they let me do in pride?'"
LOL...Barnett, Fedor and Nog are all natural 185lbers in Kais twisted world...
"IMO the fact that we label people as "striker", "grappler" or "wrestler" can be misleading when everyone crosstrains. "
True enough, but the fact that Mirko's game is on his feet and he has never submitted people on the ground that (in my mind) makes him a straight ahead striker. Similar to Chuck, we all know Chuck has an incredible wrestling base and can out grapple people that are trying to keep him on the floor, but he's still a striker at heart. Napao on the other hand is a very talented grappler, who's only real KO before this was a superman punch at the end of a fight in which Herb Dean scolded both he and Jordan in the middle of the cage for putting the crowd to sleep. I'm just saying that Mirko made a mistake and did not expect a well rounded game from Napao and the results speak for themselves. If you get complacent in this game you will lose, end of story; though you are right, I shouldn't label fighters as one dimensional. I was just trying to make a point.
s98ronin: Wow, 3 of his opponents. As opposed to Silva, Yoshida, Minowa (2 weightclasses), Oyama, Sakuraba (2 weightclasses), Vovchachin, Randleman.