Forrest Griffin earns BJJ Black Belt

Congrats to Forrest!

Gratz Phone Post

Congrats to Forrest. Phone Post


in a related story, Forrest has anounced he will compete at next weeks naga at the beginners division under his instructor advice.

congrates to forrest

 He's wearing a gi so that's cool in my book.  I've always heard a lot about griffin's grappling....congrats to him.


gi looks well worn . congrats to forrest! always wished he'd use his grappling more. i wonder how much gi training he actually does

RML -  Is "guy" the cool kids way of spelling "gi"  ??



amberlamps - who is the instructor... drysdale?
Yes, it's Robert Drysdale. On another note, I never realized that Drysdale was that big of a guy.  He looks like he's about Griffin's size in that pic.


I want to see him use his BJJ in his fghts. He must be pretty slick if he trains under Drysdale. Phone Post

 So is his ground game no longer underrated?

frontrowbrian -  So now Forrest gets to put a different colored belt around his pajamas. Big deal. 

 I think earning a BJJ black belt is a big deal.  Especially considering that I don't think Griffin took the excellerated approach like some other UFC stars.

My coach Tim Credeur would totally vouch for his ground game. Forrest is very good on the ground and trains in the Gi alot. Phone Post

Congrats Forrest.

Awesome! Under a very talented instructor also Phone Post

Def rolls like a blackbelt, congrats forrest!

Right on, Forrest!

the filthiest looking gi i have ever seen in my life...

bakalol - the filthiest looking gi i have ever seen in my life...

Way to go Forest. He's trained with some great guys for a long time. And put in a TON of work!