Forrest Griffin vs Stephan Bonnar

Forrest Griffin vs Stephan Bonnar

Forrest Griffin vs Stephan Bonnar

JohnnyAppleseed4Life -

Forest Griffin cried on live television several times.

No shame in that. It speaks of a life well lived. A man who truly gave everything and showed emotion in winning and losing. 

    I believe Forest himself said, he pitied people who didn’t have a love for something like that. 

JohnnyAppleseed4Life -
BostonCharm -
JohnnyAppleseed4Life -

Forest Griffin cried on live television several times.

No shame in that. It speaks of a life well lived. A man who truly gave everything and showed emotion in winning and losing. 

    I believe Forest himself said, he pitied people who didn’t have a love for something like that. 

There absolutely is a lot of shame in a grown man crying on live television, honestly it’s one of the most embarrassing things you could possibly do. 

Next to looking like a clueless fucktard like yourself.

You posted the same shit in another thread, meaning you’re looking to stir things up.

Man up and stop being a sub-human POS.

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