Found a gym to train at! Thanks BenBJJ

Trained at 5 Rounds tonight with Pedro Galiza. Awesome class with a lot of talented students! 10-15 black belts, as well! Phone Post

Glad to hear it!

--Tell us more about it.

Pedro is a beast !!!

But how good is he at tennis and poker?


Awesome!  Fuck tennis :)


deepu -

Awesome!  Fuck tennis :)


LOL! Phone Post 3.0

It's taken some years! I am so happy for you! Say hi to him for me!

Non sequitur alert...

^^^are you the same Ben who used to train under Damus Fry in Cairns?


Ben Miller - 



Too bad, he was a cool guy :)

Ben Miller - It's taken some years! I am so happy for you! Say hi to him for me!
Thanks man! I will! Ill be there to train in about an hour. Can't wait!

The love of the art is back! Phone Post 3.0

Keep us updated Andre!

Did u check out any other academies?

I checked out a few. Liked them all, but I really like training with Pedro. The mat is packed with black belts and brown belts, so much so that they have to separate the groups into two different rooms with huge mats. Really cool guys and the technical level is great. No attitudes either. I am really happy here.

Ill be there tomorrow! Phone Post 3.0