Frank Mir suffering rare skull disorder, head shape looking bizzare

Just found out yesterday he does the voice of Mr Krabb from Spongebob

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Frank needs to give up that stupid chin hair.

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Looks like Mir has been drinking that same Brain and Nerve Tonic

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Hgh head

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This. His head has always been shaped like an hour glass, you can just see it better now because his hairline is receding.


He looks like Nicky Santoro squeezed his head in a vice

It’s not funny guys. Wes Simms wants to fight him and on here we don’t joke around with said name

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Gov. Grayskull?

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Wes will want to train his head stomps on one of these for the rematch


@BigWes you willing to chalk up another DQ to try and stomp it back into the correct shape :pray:t2::smiley:


Anthony Spilotro was his real name and that actually happened in chicago before he got out to Vegas. Also, he and his brother were whacked in a chicago suburban basement and there bodies were taken to an Indiana cornfield. Most of the case got settled like ten years ago after a bunch of guys finally ratted.

I looked it all up relatively recently.

Some getting alittle carried away with the HGH.

I forgot about frank being the devil for a second, holy shit

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Is that Mir or John Fetterman?

Don’t you mean Senator Elect John Fetterman?



That hashtag accurate AF too, I don’t live in Pennsylvania.