"I’m even more pissed that Dana’s insinuating that I ‘refused’ to take this fight, which is bullsh*t. Just because they asked me doesn’t mean they were going to give it to me because guess what, in July they asked me to take the [UFC 189] fight on 15 day’s notice, which of course I accepted, and I still didn’t get it."
He claims to have not "refused" to take the fight, but for some reason his response leaves me wondering if he made too many demands, or wanted too much money. A lot of guys "accept" fights and price themselves out of things. More than one way to say no IMO.
It's pretty despicable the way the UFC..well...Dana...has no problem throwing otherwise very loyal fighters under the bus. Whatever it takes to sell the current fight.
I love the part where he declares he is angry about a triple hypothetical...
At this point I kind of hope he never gets the Conor fight because this is solid comedy....he is executing bizarre mental gymnastics to fuel his anger...