Frankie is still winning

War Frankie!

shut up..... Frankie's nose is broke, and his right eye is closed.

No he's losing Phone Post

No way.

Wow...all so wrong.

FUCK YEAH. see him break out of that fucking sub.

99% of guys quit there

 I think he's up 2-1, I can see a conversal decision in the making (if we don't see a finish).  lol

Too close to call could be 2-2 Phone Post

no you can't win a fight for taking someone down for 10 seconds, ben is out striking him and threatening with subs not even close.

I think cecil peoples is making ug accounts.

I've got Bendo up but could still see 2-2 Phone Post

Kidcombo -  I think he's up 2-1, I can see a conversal decision in the making (if we don't see a finish).  lol

he will debate a win?

 OP is actually watching Rocky 4

 So hard to say. He is taking Ben down almost at will too.

2-2, Frankie taking the 5th...

Frankie took it.

Yeah, I'd probably give it Frankie, close fight though.

Not even cloes, Benson at least 3-2 if not 4-1.

See good shit.