for quikfix
F'edInTheAceByRockholdsDragon -Thanks bro, vu
for quikfix

GeoDim - VU. USMC vet here. Field radio operator, served in Fallujah, Iraq in 2006.Pay that man his blue! My vote goes to this guy.

allamerican85 -0621, yut!GeoDim - VU. USMC vet here. Field radio operator, served in Fallujah, Iraq in 2006.Pay that man his blue! My vote goes to this guy.

Army Infatry 2004-2009. Who wants to see my DD214?
Iraq for 15 months straight through because of Bush's surge. Sadr City. We were told "you are going today, we don't know when you will come home." so going on a open ended combat tour sucked.
KyokushinCatch -The shit we get always makes me laugh. I caught an accommodation later to the head while climbing up a stolen tanker near Bolivia. Respect to all the veteransStarts with the gi NYC - People always give is shit but I was on active duty in USCG for ten years. Broken neck on the job in 2005
slipped on a freshly swabbed deck?

TrappeBier - Iraq for 15 months straight through because of Bush's surge. Sadr City. We were told "you are going today, we don't know when you will come home." so going on a open ended combat tour sucked.Take a VU. 15 months straight sounds so rough. Thank you for your service.

I signed up in 2001 in the summer for delayed entry in October. Then in September, 2001 we all know what happened. :( That was scary as hell for me just leaving for basic assuming I'd be thrown right in there... But I was ready to fuck shit up.
I too was a Medic (91W) but even though I shipped off during that crazy time I was never OCONUS.
Fort Sam Houston for AIT was good times though ;)
allamerican85 -Errrr vtfuGeoDim - VU. USMC vet here. Field radio operator, served in Fallujah, Iraq in 2006.Pay that man his blue! My vote goes to this guy.

Jason -Comm is up motherfuckerallamerican85 -0621, yut!GeoDim - VU. USMC vet here. Field radio operator, served in Fallujah, Iraq in 2006.Pay that man his blue! My vote goes to this guy.

Jefe Maton - Vet goin thru breakup with GF, I could use a pick me up. Happy Memorial Day.
allamerican85 - OIF in 07-08, Echo company 429th transportation company out of Roanoke VA. I honestly just want the blue to be able to vote up more rather then having to wait a full 24 hours.
quickfix - I'm down. Army inf
2/7 cav oef uno
GeoDim - VU. USMC vet here. Field radio operator, served in Fallujah, Iraq in 2006.
Starts with the gi NYC - People always give is shit but I was on active duty in USCG for ten years. Broken neck on the job in 2005
TrappeBier - Army Infatry 2004-2009. Who wants to see my DD214?
GeoDim -Jason -Comm is up motherfuckerallamerican85 -0621, yut!GeoDim - VU. USMC vet here. Field radio operator, served in Fallujah, Iraq in 2006.Pay that man his blue! My vote goes to this guy.
We were probably in Falllujuah together, after I got back in March of 05 I went again to fallujuah from march-september of 2006
served many years myself, in operations such as rainbow six, rogue spear and ghost recon. thanks in advance.