No catch...!
CageFilm have been busy working on a range of instruction series all of which are weekly and ongoing!
This means you get great depth to the teaching, loads of ongoing and progressive techniques and a real insight into the instructors approach to their art. All our instructors are world champions and exceptional in what they do.
The series are all downloadable format so no costs of DVD production and delivery. This means the end user gets them cheaper!
At just £6 per lesson - with a world champion, thats not bad!
So far, getting rave reviews from all who have seen them.
Ive mad the first lesson in full, completely free with no 'sign up' strings attached as I believe the quality speaks for itself.
Please feel free to download (quite large files) and use yourself. Also, pass the links on to anyone you train with as Im sure that anyone will benefit from these!
After all, its not every day you get a video 'private' with a world champion...!
Braulio Estima - BJJ (2xworld champion, 5x PanAm champion, 2009ADCC absolute champion...)
Neil Adams - Judo (world champion, multiple European champion, 2 x Olympic Silver medalist)
Marcelo Brigadeiro - Luta Livre - Nogi - (3x Brazilian national champion, world champion)
You may have to copy each link into a new browser window to download, then click save.
Each series is a weekly lesson ongoing! This means great depth, ongoing progressive techniques and a great insight into what makes a world champion.
Hope you enjoy the series, check out the rest at
PLEASE, pass this onto all you train with!
All the best - Tim.
Post here if you download it...!