French,Russ,Japan Judo-Difference?

what is a HSK? I noticed you mentioned it. Is that one of the levels of penalties or a disqualification?

HSK = hansoku make, not sure if I spelled it right. Automatic dq from the match and, I think, from the tournament entirely in some cases.

there are two ways to get DQ'd (HSK)...
one if by accumulation of 4 shido penalties. in this case you lose the match only.
the second way is by direct Hansoku Make penalty in which case you are ejected from the event completly.


here u can have a demo of the khabarelli pickup :

heres a gif demo of the khabarelli pickup

The cool thing about the over the top, belt grip is the options that you have.

Instead of the over the top, belt grab, I preferred a sort of duck under clinch with regular grip, which Kashiwazaki showed our class.

With the over the top, belt grip you can do osoto-gari, harai-goshi, the Khaberelli, or ouchi-gari (if they sit down on the Khabarelli).

The thing that Kashiwazaki showed us was from regular grip but you throw opponents' lead arm to the your right, keep you right hand lapel grip and enter with your right leg, almost like an ouchi-gari.

From there, you can do a pick up, if you bend the guy over forward enough. Like the Khabarelli, if he is bent over enough, the pick up is easy.

If he sits back to defend, after you've picked up his right leg, you can do a really powerful ouchi-gari (some points may not be that clear, its been a while...).

My friends who used to compete in judo, would often talk about doing a "russian foot sweep" when referring to an asshole intraining.

I asked what that meant, and they smirked and just did a normal footsweep on me. Except it was a half-kick half-sweep to the ankle as hard as they could.

I almost saw stars. They laughed aand said to expect that when competing with russkis. Thats all I know about russian judo...:)