i'll be Reffing Ammy fights in Conesville Iowa. If you happen to attend, please critique (constructively, you dicks!) my performance. i think having competent reffs is very important both for the sport and obviously for the fighters, and i want to do the best job possible... thanks in advance for the help...
howd it go?
Went pretty well actually. Not the highest level of skill ever displayed in a cage, but the effort was there all around, and all of the competetors exibited good sportsman ship... on that note, the crowd did a nice job concidering the ghastly amount of alcohol that was consumed...
so you didnt have any fighters sayn they got robbed or screwed over? It seems like there always at least one of those guys in every show!
No one voiced any complaints to me. The 3 stoppages that i called where pretty obvious... 2 of them where big bombs on their feet that straight dropped the opponent... i had to do the big john McCarthy Diving tackle on one... pretty sure that kid wasn't gonna complain, i saved him from a Hendo like extra curricular face smash... i did have one (the main event) where guy A gets Guy B in a standing guillitien, and he holds it, holds it and finially just releases the hold and starts celebrating... one problem. i never saw guy B tap... so i lean down to him and ask, "hey man honestly, did you tap?" the kid says fuck yeah i did. disaster averted... all that being said, i'm sure someone went home and talked shit about the reff...