From beginner to winner ...

About 8 months ago we took on a student here at CNY MMA who, in all honesty, we thought would never compete at any level in MMA. Randy "The Wolf" Smith initially struggled through the workouts (and sometimes, still does) but he sticks with it. He shows a lot of heart, determination, and spirit. All in all he's lost over 100 lbs, has a 2-0 record as a professional MMA fighter, and most recently has a pic up on Every show that Randy is at people come up and tell us what an inspiration he is. I figured I'd share his story for those who may need some inspiration of their own.

lotsa heart

How old is he?

New2MMA - don't get any ideas, old man!

I think he is 32yrs old

The Woooooooooooolf!!!

great story.

ttt for CNYMMA



ttt for Randy.

cool! good for him.

nice pic Zack!

Who is Zack?

Zack Lynch from

Oh okay, sorry. Yeah, awesome pic.

Zack is sick with it.