Fruit Juice vs Diet Soda?

In an argument with the girlfriend last night I contended that diet soda was better for you than fruit juice if losing weight/dieting was the only issue.

I understand that diet soda isn't a health drink, there are certainly better drinks out there for your health. But isn't juice worse for your diet even if it's better for you overall?

For weight loss alone, you are right.

You are right - Tell her to shut up... HAHA

She is a chick. She should be told to shut up anyways!

Diet soda is way better for weight loss. Not only do the fruit juices have a bunch of calories, but they also have a lot of sugar which will spike your blood sugar levels and make you hungry (craving more sugar).

But diet soda is bad for your bones (it pulls calcium from your body).

^I agree...I thought water was the best solution...

the majority of fruit juices have little to no nutritional value and are loaded with sugar.

fruit juice < diet soda < flavored water (crystal lite) < water, imo

I was gonna say, water is #1. And if she is JUST dieting, I'd say yes. Diet Soda is better. However, if she is dieting and getting exercise, then fruit juice is better.

You should avoid carbonated beverages, even diet, when trying to lose weight. The aspartame, is not good for you either. When you get juice, make sure its not 10%. Get natural.

JohnySak, you are an ass. Natural fruit juice has plenty of nutritional value. Even Sunny Delite has some sort of nutritional value. You, sir, suck.

Fruit juices have some nutrients but the macro nutrient make-up of it is just crap. When it comes to losing weight, fruit juices are almost as bad as regular soft drinks.

You should be getting your micronutrients from vegetables and fiberous fruits though, the only fluid the average person ever NEEDs to drink and should be drinking is water.

Sport drinks can have their place, but only if you are exerting so many calories that you probably know what you are doing in the first place.

LOL, what "fruit juices" are you guys talking about? I drink almost a half gallon of a Dole juice a day. Are you guys talking about that other "juice" like Welch's and crap that call themselves Juice and then you read the back and it says "Contains 8% juice". You're crazy if you think diet soda is better for you than real juice.

its all about those goddamn carbs

Fruit Juice is sugar and water. Now sugar can be added or it can be from the fruit, but its still sugar.

If you want to lose weight, avoid all fruit juice, its that simple.


Diet Soda does NOT pull calcium from your bones. NIH study in 2000 said artificial sweeteners did not significantly raise the amount of phosphorous in the body.

One 12oz can contains 2% of your RDA of Phosphorus. Do the math. You get more phosphorus in meat and dairy products than in soda.

This study was done by my Alma matter Creighton University, by Dr. Robert Heaney.

Diet Soda is not as good for you as water, but don't spread untruth.

There are actually studies going on now to determine the truth. Preliminary results are showing with all things being equal, those who drink any diet soda lose less weight than those who drink strictly water. Some researchers beleive that the artificial sweeteners actually trigger the body to produce insulin to break down sugars, but then there are no sugars to breakdown. The unused insulin is actually turned into fat and stored, resulting in increased weight.