Gabe Rudiger / Wander Braga results?

 Anybody know the results of this fight tonight in Riverside?

ttt for results

 Shit, a vid would be nice as well.


Fight has not happened yet. Dolce vs. Mitichyan is up now and then Gabe is after. They started over an hour late.

 Wow  this late?   Thanks Heddy.

please keep us updated


Fight is up now. Gabe and Wander are in great shape.

full results so far?

Can we watch it free on that site?

Gabe won via nasty arm in guillotine

Heddy - Gabe won via nasty arm in guillotine

 what round?


full card results?

Puder won
Zwicker won
Jay Silva won
Dolce lost
Kathy Long won
