Fight is about to begin.HBO.Just a reminder for anyone who forgot.
play by play?
gatti by body KO in 2
Gatti wins by KO rd 2 via liver shot.
No shit.
Wow that was some body shot.I remember Mickey Ward almost KOd Gatti in thier epic 1rst fight with a body shot.
How about Larry Merchant..."Here I am, with the LOSER Leonard Dorin..."
LOL!!!! What a fucking cocksucker!!!
ttt 4 gatti
i know wishing ill on people is bad luck, but god, i'd love to see merchant's crusty old ass planted in the ground like a gerber daisy.
I can't believe it hasn't happened yet. Him and Jim Gray need a beating
Larry Merchant is the greatest. He's not afraid to be a total dickhead, but he does it subtle-like. Like after Kilitchko/Lewis, he asked Lennox Lewis something like "Lennox, you were clearly outboxed for much of this match, do you feel you were lucky Vitali got the cuts that ended the fight?"
I think that the only people Merchant should be allowed to interview are Mike Tyson and Quinton Jackson. I for one truly believe that Rampage versus Tyson would be an interesting fight to watch. Anyone agree or disagree???
james toney didn't want to be interviewed by jim gray after the holyfield fight and james even said he wanted to kick grays ass
The HBO crew beats the hell outta the Showtime crew. Lampley is pretty lame, though.
i like the way he's unintimidated by boxers, but you can call someone on their bullshit and still stop short of being a total pole.
that noise he tried to talk to hopkins after that fench dude wore out his running shoes against him was fucking embarrassing.
"don't you feel asahmed about taking this fight?"
- uh, he was my mandatory. if i don't fight my mandatories, i don't get to be a champion. green?
and yes, i'd love to see tyson put his hands on anyone in mma who has the sack to get in the ring with him, but he'll never do it. he knows and likes mma, and as a student of fighting, i'm sure he's well-aware the last thing he needs to do is ruin what's left of his reputation by letting some wrestler/grappler work him over and tie him up in knots on the ground.