On Saturday June 14, UFC superstar George "Rush" St. Pierre is putting on a 3 hour MMA seminar. This seminar promises to be one that you and any family members will never forget, this seminar will be very user friendly, even white belts will be able to benefit themselves from this extraordinary once in a lifetime opportunity. Don’t' miss your chance to train with a superstar and soon to be legend, George "Rush" St. Pierre. The seminar is ONLY $100 pre-registration for three action packed hours ($125 at the door). Spaces will fill up fast, don't hesitate and miss this fantastic chance, call 804-550-5115 to reserve your spot today!
June 12th Fight
June 13th Bike 100 miles
June 14th GSP Seminar
Sounds like my kind of weekend...
I heard the date was changed to the 15th and the time from a 3 hour seminar to a 5 hour seminar.Is this true?
so whats the deal