George St Pierre...

Wins! Man the highlights looked great, Zuffa should of shown the fight for sure. Both guys came to fight and St Pierre showed the World what Canada has been seeing for years.
Pilot... please email kirik, you lost the bet. You new name for 1 month is ASSpilot :)

ttt for ASSPILOT

was going to pick never bet agaisnt... but that gets done almost every month.

ttt for ASSpilot.

ttt for St. Pierre!


one more ttt

hahaha ttt for Georges and ASS PILOT!

it should be pilotedAss


a bet is bet and you should be flying the very friendly skies as ASSPILOT

I want to see asspilot post on this thread.

ttt for Georges.

Hey I emailed Kirik about it, I would be more then happy to fulfill my bet and be your ASSPILOT.

Huge props to George !!! Who`s next for the kid?

Kirik has not responded to me yet Crazyho.

Trust me, the highlights were probably the best you could ask for.

It was a lot of St. Pierre sitting in Karo's guard, doing light to moderate damage.

Suprisingly, later on when Newton was on his back getting his guard passed, Landless would just stand him and Charuto right up...

Very strong. Good Wrestling.