Georges Talks Khabib

Agree with everything except this statement lol

Nothing weā€™ve seen from Khabib indicates he would beat anyone I listed. The only wrestler he faced arguably beat him at his own weight.


Oh I donā€™t know if he would beat them, but I think heā€™s the better fighter P4P

His grappling and wrestling was just off the charts. Good submissions too

GSP fans and Khabib haters

Leslie Nielsen Nothing To See Here GIF - Leslie Nielsen Nothing To See Here Disperse GIFs|833x475.0441767068273

I legit believe you are incredibly ignorant about martial arts if you think GSP would not beat the shit out of Khabib.

GSP regularly beat bigger guys at their own game.

Khabib is bigger than GSP and fought smaller guys who did not have grappling resumes worth a fuck.

It isnt any comparison. Not even remotely close.

Listen to what his opponents say then watch how GSP beat them each by their own words.

Nobody else has ever done this. Ever.


I donā€™t understand how a fat kid whoā€™s mom retired him young can call himself the GOAT. Khabib would probably need several years of rehabilitation BACK INTO the MMA community in order to fight GSP. Whereas GSP could fight Khabib tomorrow because he constantly stays in shape, continues to train, continues to grow as a martial artist. Calling Khabib the GOAT is laughable when you think about it in that context, especially since HE COULD HAVE FOUGHT GSP and captured the GOAT title.

Itā€™s a shame Khabib never dedicated himself to MMA. Itā€™s hard to know how good he could have been if heā€™d worked hard.


Stephen Colbert No GIF

This is the dumbest shit I have ever read on here , and thatā€™s saying alot lol

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Khabib never said he was the GOAT though,

GSP did, and heā€™s right too.

Khabib is a much better fighter and would never lose to Serra in his prime.

This Thread

the Ultimate Poster

Be realistic. If Khabib fights Conor 100 times, how many of those times does Conor catch Khabib with a shot? I donā€™t know what the answer is, but itā€™s not zero. To say itā€™s zero would be ignorantly disrespectful to Conorā€™s talent and power, and would actually undermine Khabibā€™s argument for greatness.

But then if you acknowledge that Khabib gets caught even a small fraction of the time, you acknowledge that thereā€™s an element of luck in fighting. And as much as Serra might have trained that punch, itā€™s much like a liver shot, when you hit it, thereā€™s an element of luck that contributed to it.

GSP loses to Serra less often than Khabib loses to Conor. It was luck that this situation played out to the contrary.

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5x at best lol

Khabib caught Conor and dropped him :joy:

I somehow always forget this happened in that fight


Probably cause I was still a Conman fan at the time

Sure. Thatā€™s the game. To deny the role of luck is imbecilic.

99 / 100, that gif is reversed.

Statistics donā€™t support this crazy theory.

GSP .500 against Serra

Khabib undefeated against Conor.

This is why GSP is saying Khabib is better, because he never lost like he did.

Tbh I think khabib is simply too smart and crafty to get caught by Conor :man_shrugging:t3: We all knew he was going to lose that fight

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