My good friend Ryan Lankford has been very ill and is home recovering after a lengthy hospital stay. Please join me in wishing him Happy Holidays and a speedy recovery.
Get well soon.
So sad to be under the weather, especially around the holidays. Get well soon, Ryan.
I'm sure he will appreciate any well wishes !
Just found this thread.
Get well soon!!!
Get well soonest man!
Just spoke to him on the phone. He had his right bicep and part of his forearm removed from a flesh eating disease. But he's hanging in there.
ttt for Ryan
Hope you feel better soon Ryan. Keep up the fight.
get better
I haven't heard this name in a long time. Get well soon, man.
Ryan Lankford passed away last year, why are you doing this?
Get well Ryan. Try and have a merry Christmas.
Get well brother
Sweet Jesus...
wow,thats horrible! i hope he gets well, im 99% sure i have met Ryan before, and he is super wishes...
Get well soonest Ryan.
get well bruvaman
Get well soon Ryan!
Best wishes to respected forum member Ryan Lankford