GF Questions Karate Instr. !

Nevermind it wasnt that interesting lol... let this sink

ttt for the KKM who can't make up his mind.

ttt :)

ok, my girl beat the shirt out of this Karate instructor when she was taking her cousins to their TKD classes. She asked "why dont you cover your face when someone tries to punch you? you need to cover your face or you will get hit!" - to that the instructor replied: "try to hit me and I will be able to knock you out before you even come close!" . My girl then feinted a jab and shot a sweet double. My girlfriend is about 5' 0" and 100 pounds yet she pulled out her supermodel strength and slammed that 5' 11", 230 pound somma bitch knocking him out cold. The whole class cheered her on while the instructors croonies tended to his limp unconscious body. Everyone lifted her above their shoulders and started cheering "zhu-zhitsu! zhu-zhitsu!"

ok my original story was lame so i embellished a little here :P

TTT for follow-through

LOL. So the original was a bit sucky then huh...

lemme guess...

Moral = "shoot dubs?"


the original: Girlfriend called out a karate instructor and asked the lady instructor why her cousins were not taught to protect their face. I just thought it was great that without my influence she had watched BJJ and other stuff I showed her and she realized on her own that you need to protect your face. probably from me yelling "hands up damnit!" at the TV all the time watching fights lol. but yeah, that wasnt as interesting as a story about my girl beating up a karate dude is. ever seen that book "A million pieces" by James Frey? ;)

lol at the 38 post, 12/23/2005 registered guy calling someone else KKM

Dude. If your gonna make up a story, atleast have some girls mudwrestling and making out in it...

Ok, well after she got home and told me the story I got mad because I didnt think my girl should be out there fighting dudes. She told me to shut the hell up and took me down going to mount right away. I was helpless at that point, I mean what am I suppose to do when a hot girl has got me mounted, at that point I am fucked, eventually I bust and she gets off and then i drank a beer and fell asleep. What were we talking about again?