Gi color retention?

My wife ordered a red gi from KF and a black from gameness as gifts when I get home. Can anyone tell me how best to prevent discoloring of the gi as well as color retention? I always had white gi's in the past, so any help would be appreciated.

If you look in the detergent isle of the supermarket around where
the color dyes are they sell packets of color stay. You wash your
clothes with this and it helps to set the color. Wash cold. I've
heard nightmares about the red gi rubbing color off on everyone
else and making their gis pink! Make sure you wash it a few times
before you roll with it.

My husband soaked his reg gi in a bucket of water, vinegar (1-2 regular bottles) and salt for a day or two. It lost a bit of color since, but no one else has turned pink.

Whatever is exactly correct... Vinegar and salt work as a Mordant.

Vinegar and only powder soap. Also only wash the gi in cold water(what can I say I work for a clothing company.)

One more vinegar vote here! I soaked my blue ATAMA gi per the instructions and it has retained its color nicely. I don't wash it on only cold either. However, I don't mind a little fade, makes me think I am getting somewhere in this game.



I teach BJJ at a university and have a Marine in the officer program taking my class. He always chants, 'mess with the best, die like the rest' right before we roll.

Tough guy though.
