I found this on Gizmodo, I thought it was funny and would share. It's a few guys over at Gizmodo talking about the new guy playing Ba Baracus.
Adam: How can anyone play Mr. T? I don't understand.
Me: Me neither.
Adam: Seems like an impossible challenge.
Me: That requires serious acting.
Brian: Yeah, BA Baracus wasn't even a character. He was Mr. T.
Me: I don't think DeNiro would be able to pull that off, much less this dude.
the stain has been outed
lol, I didn't know perez had a show. Come on Gizmodo is a tech site, not celebrity gossip.
TheStain - lol, I didn't know perez had a show. Come on Gizmodo is a tech site, not celebrity gossip.
First name basis = total tabloid junkie.