just to be clear, "stopped by Gordo"=lost on points

yup just a guard pass iirc

Rener says he still kicks himself for letting go of that triangle on Gordo

the only time he went against travis,Ryron got whipped.
but it was right after he went with monson for an hour.
it was no gi

at last year's gracie tournament, ryron fought against a former pan am champ. i think his name was luciano banada or something like that. ryron made his look like a white belt. ryron took him down, got side mount, then full mount, got one hand in the collar, faked the cross choke a few times, and then bam, arm bar. it was beautiful bjj.

any news yet?,should be a good tournie,see you guys there

Ryron-Lovato is a match that needs to happend either by those two meeting up at a tournament, or somebody setting up a superfight.

"Ryron-Lovato is a match that needs to happend either by those two meeting up at a tournament, or somebody setting up a superfight".

agree, it would make a great match
clay when will you be back?
I seen pat at the academy saturday,said he was going to have about 6 guys comming to the tournie,TEXAS will be in the house

Hey 12 are you talking about Pat Hardy?

yes sir

I asked because my instructor is one of his blues (4 stripes). I don't know if you know him but his name is Mike Tinajero and he will be going to the Gracie Worlds with the team.

is your instructor the one that started his training watching tapes ?if so ,pat told me about you guys and you should be proud of yourselfs.if not ,His network is growing and the bjj is top of the line,i will be watching you guys .....good luck

I think Mike mentioned something about how he started with tapes but I am not sure. If your wondering we are from the rio grande valley.

yep,im sure it was you guys

javi vs fowler is something to think about, 2 american world class bjj guys.This is not a fact ,just something that could happend and i would love to see.javis gettting in fighting shape and fowler is 1 of those guys that is always ready.

12- I wont be makoing it out to the Gracie Worlds. I go back to America
in a day or two, then Im going back to oklahoma to train up for the US
Nationals in Sept. I was thinking about the Gracie Worlds, but right after
a Brazil trip I need a month or two to build some funds back up.