Go check out the new MMAjunkie (No more questions)

Like Kirik mentioned the other day, we did a relaunch. This will help us out tremendously on the back end of things in regards to functionality. Hope some of you noticed that this weekend with quick updates throughout the event (UFC 167).

More videos and no more questionnaires.

We recently added Mike Bohn to the staff as well. Editorial team runs DEEEEEP in talent. Stupp, Morgan, Marrocco, Erickson, Fowlkes and Goze!

Over 60 articles in the last 48 hours.

Tell me what you think.


i really like the fact that i can go to the website when on my phone and not have to use the app.

Team GDP - 

i really like the fact that i can go to the website when on my phone and not have to use the app.

Thanks, GDP (garota de programa?).

I know we'll be working on updating our app soon too.


What happened to the Sunday Junkie articles? Phone Post 3.0

MoomBah - What happened to the Sunday Junkie articles? Phone Post 3.0

Twas retired a few months ago. Here's the last one with an explanation for why we discontinued it: http://mmajunkie.com/2013/09/29/the-sunday-junkie-the-final-edition/


TFK_BOZY - The Sunday junkie was great. Phone Post 3.0

Yeah it was. I never posted, but i always read it. Today wouldve been perfect to have one.


Fowlkes was a great addition Phone Post

Been a fan since UFCJunkie and it just keeps getting better.

Keep up the good work George. Sorry pal, not going to refer to you as gorgeous......

publics_lowDown_brazilianWax - Oh yeah! I stopped going a while ago because of that survey shit.

Well come back now, playa.


The Fella - 

I'll take a look, thanks for the heads up.

The new site is beautiful, on the mobile as well! Phone Post 3.0

TheHebrewHammer - The new site is beautiful, on the mobile as well! Phone Post 3.0

Thank you, sir. Our IT people will appreciate that comment.


JimmersonzGlove -

I liked the surveys. No one asks me questions about myself anymore. Girls only talk about themselves.

Diameter? Phone Post 3.0

Large Fun Bags - Used to love the sunday junkie. I even got my opinion published in it once lol.

Mmajunkie was the first site I found after I found mma. TTT I can't remember why I quit going. Will check it out soon Phone Post 3.0

Good to possibly have you back. Here's the link ... www.mmajunkie.com