Going to Trane @MMA GYM for first time.

(Frat) Kind of funny.. This is a Bang Ludwig affiliate school.

So A friend of mine is the head wrestling coach and I've known him since HS. So hopefully will go gentle on me like he says and not green light me. IDK if I'll fight AMMY in a couple months, but never know. He wants me to of course.

All I have right now is a mouth guard by Shock Dr and a cup. My friend said he would hook me up with the rest. (Headgear, gloves, and wraps) because I wanna have a friendly spar with him. Mainly I just want the cardio to lose about 15-20lbs. I'm 6'1 195-200lbs I was pushing 210, though my Dad is 6'4 150lbs with clothing sopping wet. (It's not my fault I was a premature twin born 4lbs)

Anyway wish me luck guys! I'll let you know how it goes. Phone Post 3.0

Look up heel hooks on youtube first, then attempt those full blast at the gym. They will never see it coming Phone Post 3.0

Tell them to let you banged especially if this is Gracie Fort Collins. Phone Post 3.0

Flying knees and spinning back fists are extremely effective and easy to execute Phone Post 3.0

Hahaha you guys are funny!

We just drilled a lot. It was great though.

Learned quite a few subs, correct way to punch and kick. These guys are longtime vets and one was a champion in the big show from my state. They were all super cool teaching me the intricacies of everything I was doing incorrect. Learned that it's a lot easier watching than performing. Very humbling. I now understand a figure 4 body lock really does suck. So many nuances that I've overlooked for years when watching fights. The teacher actually said he liked teaching me these things he learned so long ago.

What I enjoyed the most was their patience to show me how exactly things were done step by step and just enjoyed teaching me.

I will for sure be back tomorrow night. :-) Phone Post 3.0

Very happy for you man - hopefully you found a life long passion like many of us.


I see you are talking "taking an amateur fight".   FYI  - there are some things you need to do before you even consider that.  3 months of footwork isn't enough, let alone the 10,000 other things you have to do.   Kind of joking, kind of not


1  puke in a bucket

2  get that fresh mouthpiece knocked out of your mouth like a helicopter

3  learn the ground, and defense to it

4  learn kicking and punching and the defense to it

5  learn takedowns and the defense to them

4  get fight cardio - that alone takes a LONG time

5  throw jabs till you scratch the skin off your arm because your shoulder burns so bad.


the list goes on.  Enjoy chasing the demon of fighting proficiency!

Have fun! The beginning was he funnest but most grueling to me. All you need is a cup,mouthguard, and an open mind! Keep with it and let us know about it! Don't quit! Phone Post 3.0

MMAismylife - Have fun! The beginning was he funnest but most grueling to me. All you need is a cup,mouthguard, and an open mind! Keep with it and let us know about it! Don't quit! Phone Post 3.0
Also don't go in expecting to take an ammy fight in a few months on your first day, take time to learn real technique and how to apply it live. Give it a year and see where your at. Some people learn quicker than others, anyone can get in a fight but that doesn't mean their martial artists! Phone Post 3.0

Thanks everyone for the encouraging words and information. I don't plan to fight in 3 months, I think my friend was just saying that knowing my athletic background and decent knowledge of MMA.

To be honest it was very humbling, sometimes it looks easy to me when watching on TV, but all the techniques and small intricacies are a little overwhelming. Plus taking an MMA class instead of just individual disciplines at a time really shows how much you have to combine.

I also can see how much a wrestling background compliments every aspect of fighting. It's all in the hips as they say.

Took a day off to recover, and I was still sore everywhere the 2nd day. Lol. I think it for one is because I've never used those muscles that way and I was trying too hard, muscling everything instead of being loose learning the techniques without power.

Either way I love it. So much fun. I can't wait to get my shock Dr knocked outta my mouth. Phone Post 3.0