Goldie - It's "Changing of the Garb," not "Guard."

Chain jing of thug hard imo.

Changing of the GWAR.

Blue namer please?

Op is already coming up with a new screenname

Op is already coming up with a new screenname

Op is already coming up with a new screenname

youarewhatiswrong - Op is already coming up with a new screenname

lol, this.

What an idiot you are op. Phone Post

Pete you look like a's guard googled it but didn't look really

Smoking of the chard

youarewhatiswrong - Op is already coming up with a new screenname


"changing of the screen name" Phone Post

For all intensive purposes its the same either way. Phone Post

'Eats to their home'.... You know? Lets just 'live and let's give' Phone Post

A perfect 10 from the Italian judge Phone Post

....garb. Goodness gracious me. Kids the dates. Phone Post

This is why the internet makes some people stupid, people stop thinking about shit due to the convenience of information on the internet.

At least google that shit before posting broseph stalin. Phone Post

Poor OP, it truly is a doggie dog world on the UG

When I was a kid I used to see those No Parking Any Time signs everywhere and thought to myself that this Any (Annie) Time bitch wasnt allowed to park anywhere. She must have done something awful to not be allowed to park anywhere.

Juggernautt - How about his inability to say prodigy hahahahahah Phone Post

Hahaha I rewatched that a few times Phone Post

LOL @ OP and stupidity..

the correct phrase is "changing of the guard"..

No No No, it's 'OP is a tard'.  


Can't believe Goldie messed that up.