Good back stretches?

kaitlinrosie - 
Posty Magee - T-man, it's never from knees, it's almost always from grappling in the clinch. We don't throw many hard knees when we work, but we go hard at locking in clinches and working position.

greco, when i throw it out bad, it's sharp pain with full breaths. This time was only medium, so it doesn't hurt that bad when i breathe.

Should i just lay off it? Can i do any other exercise? Weights?

And thanks again for your advice guys.
Sorry, I missed this one. Any chance you have a rib that easily dislocates?

I don't think so. I'm gonna try to stretch the hams more and do more neck stretches. And thank you for reminding me about static after and dynamic before; sometimes i get lazy and don't go all the way with my warm ups and cool downs.