Good Evening.. little discussion

Again I was reading an article in a popular fitness mag, and I can across an article which stated that..

Although it is the golden rule that complete rest is needed after intense weight training usually 48hrs up to 72hrs after the muscles trained. This article went on to explain that training the following day with very low weights and high reps without coming to failure increased the amount of blood flow to the muscles allowing more nutrients to access the muscle..

what say you gurus?


I say ONLY IF YOUR SORE!Otherwise,it makes no sense,IMO.

I have a classic wrestling text, circa 1928 by Earle Liederman, and he says that light exercise will help alleviate soreness. I think he was talking about stretching and walking, though....

It's true. I've heard that from sources I respect. Thibaudeau, Poliquin, Waterbury, and Hatfield spring to mind.

complete rest makes my body stiff and inflexible. I don't want that.

I think this should be done even without very low weights as long as you dont go anywhere near failure, and active recovery should be done even with no soreness.


Cool guys.. and yes Vermonter, I was figuring that this should be done with or without soreness as well..

I think that in order to train very hard you should take a day per week or so to train a completly different sport (recreational, on low level) I used to go climbing once a week when I was training for my last fight and it made me recover better and faster. Play basketball or something... active recovery.

Has been shown in trials to improve recovery. Top track athletes and swimmers do exactly this after events as part of their recovery programme.

"I think that in order to train very hard you should take a day per week or so to train a completly different sport (recreational, on low level) I used to go climbing once a week when I was training for my last fight and it made me recover better and faster. Play basketball or something... active recovery. "

Does Playstation 2 count?

i train deadlifts 3 times a week. sometimes 2 days in a row and i havnt had a problem. Read power to the people if you dont think its possible.