Good luck Kevin fight hard and win every aspect of the fight and represent for Evolution MMA. And then drink your face off biatch !
Good luck Kevin fight hard and win every aspect of the fight and represent for Evolution MMA. And then drink your face off biatch !
Good luck Kevin! Kick some ass!
Kevin's gonna do great in this fight.
Plus he's going to have one of the ugliest guys in Canada in his corner insulting his opponent.
From all at Evolution Mixed Martial Arts Academy, GOOD LUCK KEVIN!!!!! Also along with Kevin is Chris Milligan, good luck to you as well Chris.
Kevin won his fight tonight by rear naked choke at 1:04 of rd 1.
Congratulations Kevin on a nice fight.
It's a celebration BITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. You were supposed to call after the fight fucker
What about Milligan ?
To think kevin started his fighting with me his big bro coming home from wrestling and showing him how to give a crossface. Now he's the CHAMP way to go bro.
think is kevin barkhouse i just wanna say thanks to all the ppl that new i could do it and all the guys that help me train 4 this fight .....and thanks to all the new cool ppl i got to know from this fight card if n e 1 has pics of my fight or just the fun after it can u send them to me im e mail is
Kris is a robot... he has the best listening skills in a newcomer I've ever seen.
Not to pick, but Kris's cardio is not good, yet every round he answered the bell knowing he could quit... he never did, knocked the guy down i the fourth and unfortuantely tapped in the fifth.
I can't believed he kept going in there... guy was gassed, crazy heart.
Just wanted to say that it was great to meet the guys from Vernon and hang out after the event. Hope to see you guys again on future events.
Kevin is the shit. That's all.
i second that